All Of The Following Are True Statements Except

All of the following are true statements except… This phrase, often used to introduce a list of statements with one exception, holds immense power in conveying information precisely. It demands attention, invites scrutiny, and challenges readers to identify the outlier.

Join us as we delve into the intricacies of this phrase, exploring its nuances, common pitfalls, and effective applications.

The subsequent paragraphs will provide a comprehensive analysis of the phrase “all of the following are true statements except,” shedding light on its grammatical structure, common errors, and best practices for its usage. We will also explore the significance of exceptions and negations in this context, emphasizing the importance of precise language and clarity.

Phrases and Punctuation

The phrase “all of the following are true statements except” introduces a list of statements, indicating that all but one of the statements are true.

Correct Examples, All of the following are true statements except

  • All of the following are true statements except that the Earth is flat.
  • All of the following are true statements except that 2 + 2 = 5.

Incorrect Examples

  • Incorrect:All of the following are true statements except the Earth is flat. (Missing “that”)
  • Incorrect:All of the following are true statements except that 2 + 2 equals 5. (Incorrect verb tense)

Common Errors: All Of The Following Are True Statements Except

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Missing “that”

The word “that” is essential to indicate that the following clause is a statement.

Incorrect Verb Tense

The verb in the exception clause must be in the same tense as the verbs in the preceding statements.


  • Incorrect:All of the following are true statements except the Earth was flat.

Table Formatting

Statement True False
All of the following are true statements except that the Earth is flat. False True
All of the following are true statements except that 2 + 2 = 5. True False

Bullet Points and Lists

All of the following are true statements except

  • All of the following are true statements except that the Earth is round.
  • All of the following are true statements except that the sun is a star.
  • All of the following are true statements except that the moon is made of cheese.

Bullet points are used to create a clear and concise list of statements, making it easy for the reader to identify the exception.

Exceptions and Negations

All of the following are true statements except


An exception is a statement that contradicts the preceding statements.


A negation is a statement that contradicts the preceding statements by using negative words such as “not” or “no”.


  • All of the following are true statements except that the Earth is not flat.

Illustrations and Visual Aids


The following illustration represents the phrase “all of the following are true statements except”:



The illustration shows a circle with a line drawn through it. The circle represents the set of all true statements, and the line represents the exception.


Visual aids can help to clarify the meaning of complex phrases and make them easier to understand.

FAQ Corner

What is the purpose of the phrase “all of the following are true statements except”?

The phrase “all of the following are true statements except” is used to introduce a list of statements, indicating that all statements are true except for one.

What are common errors made when using this phrase?

Common errors include using the phrase incorrectly (e.g., “all of the following are true except”), omitting the word “except,” or using imprecise language in the exception.

How can I use this phrase effectively?

To use the phrase effectively, ensure that all statements are true except for one, use precise language in the exception, and consider using bullet points or a table to present the information clearly.